Summer 2019 – Something ends, something new starts up

Life is similar to a long calm river, with accelerations, pitfalls and unforeseen events … This end of school year brings its fair share of movements and changes, some are wished, fruits of several years of efforts, and others just require to be accepted.

Le Chien Tête en Bas
First, if you did not already know, the Yoga Mala association in which I was giving classes since 2017 gets dissolved this summer, and a part of it is gets reincarnated in the form of another association, Le Chien Tête en Bas.

Le Chien Tête en Bas is a collective born in 2017 with the desire to create a Yoga place bringing together a wide audience, including those who may be socially and / or financially distant.

This venue will open in Rennes next September, housed in the old Hotel Dieu maternity, within a structure combining a climbing wall, a cultural space and a bistrot : The Roof Rennes.

Le Chien Tête en Bas is part of the Social and Solidarity Economy dynamics, and was selected to enter Tag35 incubator in September. In parallel, we are building contacts with various actors such as la maison des citoyens de Rennes and its suspendus rennais initiative. If you have ideas for partnerships that would help us reach an “alternative” audience please let us know

I will give 6 postural yoga classes per week with various proposals as well as a class focused on breathing. With Héloïse Gavarry and Mybel Andino completing the team of teachers, it is more than 20 classes per week that will be offered next September, with an emphasis on freedom since we put in place a time credit system that allows a fluidity of experience between classes and teachers.
You will find details and additional information on our approach, classes, rates, …, on our brand new website Le Chien Tête en Bas.

You will see in particular that you can help us give Yoga classes to people who can not necessarily afford them by making a donation to the association, transparently converted 10€ as 1h of Yoga.

Finally, and if it’s your cup of tea, I encourage you to follow us on social media, firstly to be kept informed of our activities and proposals to the minute 🙂 and secondly to increase our visibility and allow us to properly establish our project:
Le chien tête en bas sur Facebook
Le chien tête en bas sur Instagram

Centre Culturel Bouddhique de Rennes
Next September I will continue to give classes on Tuesday evenings at the Centre Culturel Bouddhique de Rennes, but Wednesday afternoon classes will stop. Let me know if you want to attend, knowing that I will favour the registration of previous students.
The CCBR open house day will be held on Saturday, September 7th.

Yoga for Surfers
This summer, despite the cancellation of the Yoga for surfers camp in Costa Rica (my father is sick and I have to stay in Brittany), I will still stay active 🙂 and like last year I propose during August courses combining surf lessons & yoga in partnership with l’école Surfing Paradise à Quiberon and Coride.

Yoga Therapy
A last word about my life as an old student 😉 : I have just passed my 2nd year exam of Dr. Lionel Coudron Institut de Yoga Therapie.
In fall, I will present my final dissertation to conclude this cycle during which I learned so much.

Well, I think that’s about it, enjoy your summer and I hope to see you soon on a mat or a wave!


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